Thinking about getting into shape, there is no reason to delay. Give up all your inhibitions and make up your mind. Everything seems difficult when you begin but once you do so there is no looking back. And when you have the perfect guidance the desired outcome is bound to be achieved. We shall provide a step by step workout guide to start correctly and continue steadily in the long run in the right direction.
- When you start you need to know your body accurately. Refer to the basic anatomy of the body to get an overview of the muscles.
- Just make a note of which muscles are linked to each other like the chest and shoulder muscles. Normally all the exercises are directed towards toning these muscles.
- Figure out your goal – losing weight/ building muscle/ getting toned/maintaining weight. Next figure out your workout schedule.
- The next step is to select the exercises that are ideal for you and then implement those into your routine. Remember do not over-exert your body during the initial phase. Start with exercising three times a week if it suits you.
Initially it is important to focus on the entire body. This is important to build strength and let your body get accustomed to the workout. One should start with compound exercises i.e. pair complimentary muscle groups together as mentioned earlier. Combining non-complementary muscles can lead to major loss of energy and high impact on the nervous system. Accurate muscle group combinations will give you maximum output. An illustration has been provided for your reference:

Each muscle is exercised in a week and the soreness caused is minimal. The rest days aid in repairing the muscles. Rest cycle is an important factor in the workout routine and should not be overlooked. However if you start by isolation exercises i.e. one muscle a day it might lead to injury or fatigue. It is difficult to recover in such cases. Once the strength is built up over a period of one or two months you can focus on individual muscles. You can identify your problem areas like belly, thighs, arm etc., and stress on the specific exercises.
Guys, another very important factor- Do not forget to WARM UP and COOL OFF. It is scientifically important for the body. Ignoring the same could lead to injury or non-achievement of desired results. So people get going, do it right and earn a healthy you.